About Dick

Dick Bulger is about as Boston as it gets. Born on a cold, clear and moonless winter night in 1958 to Mary Elizabeth Bulger (nee O’Sullivan) and William James Bulger, Dick came into this world in the alley behind a south Boston barroom.

Bulger was no scholar, and dropped out of high school at age 15. He got a job at the last of the knob factories that dotted the Boston landscape, working as a polisher. The work was tedious, but gave Dick plenty of time to think about his next steps.

A few years into his career as a knob polisher, he found his calling: the burgeoning popularity of CB radio. Scrimping and saving, he purchased his first CB radio at the Mass Ave. Radio Shack in 1977. It was the dawn of a chapter in Boston history that has forever scarred and traumatized it’s citizens.